Delta? sucks. I bought 8 tickets (for ACF nationals) and I need to get reimbursed. They sent me a frickin' text file as a receipt and told me that I shouldn't need anything else, and if, God forbid, I needed a receipt that I couldn't create on Notepad in 20 minutes, I had to pay $20/ ticket. I called customer service after that, planning on bitching my way up the hierarchy at Delta, and the woman told me if I went to a Delta ticket counter before 18 May, they could print me out receipts. The only Delta ticket counters in Chicago? Are at the airports. I don't have the time to take a 45 minute long bus ride to the airport (and 45 minutes back) to fix their screw-up.
Luckily, my parents rock. My mother is going to pick up the receipts from a ticket counter in Atlanta. Hopefully, they'll give them to her and it will all be OK.
You know, I like to support local, and Hartsfield would be completely screwed if Delta folded, but if they're going to be such dicks about it, I'm not going to fly on their airline anymore. The little mean part of me is glad they're filing for bankruptcy.
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