
There's an article in the NYT today about Tucker Max. For those of you who don't know, Tucker Max is a former U of C student who has gained an Internet following for acting like a jerk on his web site. If I were Will, I'd comment on the first amendment implications of the case (probably even spelling amendment right on the first try. Since I'm not, instead I'll comment on the weirdness of reading about a site I read in the NYT. The internet is a small world.

As is Chicago. Going to see the Matrix with Maggie and Will last night, we ran into Susan and Ed at the theater and another guy I know on the bus home. And an old guy who told us we'd be 59 in two ticks of the cosmic clock. Waiting for the Jeffrey is always entertaining.

I have so many papers to grade, but I just don't want to. I hate my job. Isn't my blog interesting?

Sorry about the previous post. I should stop doing the html code for links and let blogger do it. If you don't put in the end quotes, very bad things happen, and I forget them a lot.