
Morality of murder (UPDATED):

Interestingly, The Island of the Day Before (of which I have 20 more pages to read) brings up the same point as the third point in this article. If someone could somehow change history and save Jesus from crucifixion, should he? He would be saving one man and sentencing all of humanity to hell. I'll post the quote from Eco when I get home.

Update: The promised quotes.
'But,' Ferrante objected, 'if you prevent the Passion, then there will never be the Redemption, and the world will still be stained by original sin.'
'Aii!' Judas shouted, crying. 'I was thinking only of myself! But what must I do then? If I continue to let myself act as I acted, I remain damned. If I amend my error, I confound the plan of God and will be punished by damnation. Was it then written from the beginning that I was damned to be damned?'
On that slippery deck, Roberto was fighting so that Christ could be nailed to the Cross, and he invoked Divine aid; Ferrante, to prevent Christ's suffering, invoked the names of all the devils.