
Soave Tamellini 2001 ($9.99, Binny's Express):

This is another Italian white, a little fruity but not very much. It's not really dry either. It's kind of sweet to drink with many dinners, but not sweet enough for a desert wine and a bit too strong to drink alone. That's the problem I had with this wine. I bought it because it had good reviews, and I liked it, but I honestly didn't like it WITH anything. Wine can't exist in a vacuum, and I thought the almost olive-y taste combined with the sweetness made this wine not suitable for any dinner I tried it with. Admittedly, that was edamame and grilled cheese, and it might be OK with real food, but I don't think so. I thought about it with chicken, and I think if the chicken was sort of sweet (maybe with an orange sauce or something) it would probably be pretty good. I don't think so for fish or pork.

That's a problem for me. I need wine that will go with many things, and this didn't. It doesn't really do me a lot of good, though if you're planning a dinner party with something that this wine goes with, it might be the wine for you.