Googling yourself:
I enjoy googling myself every six months or so, both to see if there are new websites referring to me, and to look for other people with my name. I'm not really sure why, but it's fun to see how many people you can find with your name, the lawyer in Chicago, the neighborhood activist in Atlanta, the math teacher in Indiana, the lawyer in DC, the suspect in a murder mystery, the graphic designer, the child in day care on the Dingle, etc, etc. Intellectually, I know that I don't share anything in common with these people, but somehow you feel a little bit closer to someone with your name. I like meeting other Kathleens and others with the last name Moriarty, though I've never actually met anyone who shared both my first and last name. Perhaps if my name were either more or less common this wouldn't be enjoyable. Not finding in more kathleen moriartys or meeting one every year would probably get old.
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