
So this is dumb. I had a test, for the cough thing, in the middle of June, ordered by my doctor at the time. The doctor, however, was a resident and finished his pulmonary rotation at the end of June. Therefore, I have to get a new doctor, at the same clinic. Since he's a new doctor, I have to have a special new patient appointment, which can only happen at 10 in the morning. So I'd have to take a whole day off of work. I just want the results of a stupid test. How can I be a new patient? It makes no sense. I'm going to try to talk to either the nurse or the attending on Monday, to see if I can either get some information over the phone or something. If I'm really leaving Chicago in two months or so, why should I get started with a new doctor and all that? It makes no sense.

I'm sick of all of this. I'm sick of having to take nasty-tasting cough syrup just so I can sleep at night, I'm sick of stopping laughing to cough, I'm sick of worrying that there might actually be something wrong with me, and I'm sick of feeling like I'm bitching about something stupid when there are so many real things other people have to bitch about. I hate going to the pulmonary clinic and looking at people with oxygen tanks in wheelchairs and thinking "I don't belong here. I should just go home and learn to deal with this." I'm presently on two different anti-allergy medicines that do nothing for my cough (but I do feel a bit better. I guess I was always a little stuffed up and just never noticed it) and the afore-mentioned cough syrup at nights. I have two different inhalers even though tests have shown pretty conclusively that I don't have asthma. God, no wonder I feel like I'm sick.


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