
Stolen clothes!:

I went to Macy's today with my mother for the annual Harvest Sale. I was really going to look for silverware, but while I was there, I tried on a cute sweater/skirt outfit. I went out of the dressing room to show it to my mother and was gone for maybe two minutes. When I got back, the clothes that I had worn in were gone. Now, in perspective, I was wearing a long-sleeved black T-shirt made by Champion and olive green Banana Republic cargo pants. The part of the store I was in was selling skirts and dressy clothes, mostly in light colors.

I stuck around while my mother found the employee who had been cleaning up around there, R. She said that she had only moved Charter Club stuff (I think it's a Macy's house brand, but definitely not like something I was wearing). I asked another woman in the dressing room, and she said that R. (well she pointed her out, but it was the same woman) had taken some stuff out of there, so my mother went back and asked her again. She swore up and down that she had only taken Charter Club clothes out. My mother started going through the pile of clothes that R. had waiting to rehang, and sure enough, she pulls out my pants and shirt.

Talk about unobservant. The clothes are old, obviously worn, with no tags, both brands that you don't sell, and look like nothing else in your department. So what do you do? Pick them up, put them in your pile, and tell the person looking for them that you couldn't possibly have them. Then, when it becomes patently obvious that you have them, naturally you don't apologise for what was clearly your mistake.


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