
Snow day!:

This morning when I woke up I looked out the window. It hadn't snowed any more since last night, so I figured I was SOL on the getting off work thing. I decided to call just to make sure, figuring it didn't take any time and maybe we'd get two hour delayed opening. When I called, I was greeted with the message 'code red. day shift employees are excused today.' I didn't believe it, so I called back. Same message. So I went back to sleep for two more hours. Then when I woke up at 9, I called again. There really is no snow. But I have today off. My roommate is bitter, but she got yesterday off and I didn't, so fair's fair, I guess.

We were all hoping for yesterday off. When asked if he called the snow line before coming in, one guy in an aggrieved voice said "Three times!" Another guy said, "Yeah, and they always make it sound like 'code green, you lazybastard.'"


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