
Last night was a Nyquil night and tonight feels like another. I'm the only person I know who can take Nyquil, sleep for seven hours, and wake up before my alarm feeling great. Everyone else barely drags out of bed two hours after their alarm goes off, feeling like shit.

My mother went back to the doctor today and got a short cast since the bone wasn't moving any further apart. Yay, no surgery! She says it hurts, but not as badly as having something screwed to the bone would. I know you're shocked.

What else? I got four new clik disks for my Mp3 player today. I like the player a lot. It was relatively inexpensive, easily expandable, and doubles almost as a zip drive (although with more expensive media). Not bad, right? Also, the disks are really cute, like tiny metal CDs, and we all know that buying electronic equipment based on how cute it is is a winning strategy. You should see my HP49, the iMac of calculators (in more ways than just being cute, but whatever). Oddly enough, this calculator has more RAM than my first computer. God, do I feel old.