When you are old:
"How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty, with love, false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face."
The funny part is that the first time I heard this quote, it was used on a TV show as an argument against internet dating. Can a "pilgrim soul" not come across in email? Why not? I can think of several people I've never met who know my soul better than my managers at the movie theater or my coworkers in the office.
I'm not sure I believe internet dating is a good idea right now. It's still too dangerous and you have to realise how much people will lie. But if everyone could be thoroughly vetted so that their profile was entirely true and there was minimal danger of stalking (there's danger of stalking with real world relationships, too. Remeber string-in-hair boy?), why not?
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