
Day trip to Bath:

I went to Bath with Terra today. It took about an hour and a half on one train, and I met up with her at Didcot Junction. We had a pretty good time. The Roman baths were really neat, even if you weren't supposed to touch the water (it's untreated and really green, and not in the Chicago-River-died-for-St.-Patrick's-Day way). A lot of the original structure survives, the main path and the walls around it and large parts of the two east and west baths.

After that, we went to Bath Abbey, which had some pretty cool stained glass and looked to be about 13th century Norman. I love looking at the old graves, the man eulogised as a 'strictly honest man,' the Royal Navy captain, and at least one Maher (not likely to be my ancestor, though, not buried in a Protestant church).

Then we went to the Museum of Costume, which had clothes from the 17-20th centuries. I hadn't realised that until about the 19th century, horsehair was used to make petticoats. Talk about uncomfortable.

Then to Victoria Park, with its about 18 million swans, a walk around town and a coffee, and back to London by 6.

Unfortunately, there was a fire alert on the Circle Line, and it was messing up District and Circle line trains, so I had to wait 25 minutes for a Tube at Paddington. So I didn't get back to near the flat until 6:45, and the internet cafe closed at 7. I went home, made some phone calls, and came to this place in Bayswater that's open late. And then the lifts were broken at Queensway (and it's 120+ steps to the street), so I ended up walking from Notting Hill Gate.

Not exactly a banner day for public transport for me...