The Reg at midnight:
is kind of depressing. On the A-level, I just feel really old. I was in the MacLab and came out to go home, and there were all these kids sitting around and talking about going BartMarting and such and not really seeming like they had much work to do. I used to do that, you know; I used to stay at the Reg until 1 (back when it closed at one) even when I didn't really have any work to do, just sort of talking to people. Back then, though, we had to go on Ex Libris or Second Floor Coffee Shop runs, since BartMart didn't exist. These kids today, they don't know how lucky they are. Now, if I'm staying at the library till 1, you'd better believe that I'm there because I have work to do, work that's due the next day, probably in the morning. There's no more hanging around in the Reg for me. If I want to go hang out, these days it's usually USITE-Harper in the afternoon. At least the MacLab was filled with people like me, who actually have work to do and aren't there to hang out. It made me feel a little better about my life right now.
On the plus side, I have basically nothing due for two weeks. I can get caught up on reading and grading and it will all be good.
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