
Turning back into a night owl:

I like staying up late, but since I have been getting up constistently around 7 am for the last six months (and still being ridiculously late to work at the Embassy, a job that I could walk to), it's difficult for me to stay up past about 12:30. I'm not sure I shouldn't try to stay that way, but going to bed early might cause me to miss such gems as:

1. "You're not allowed to dream about the rotten food."

2. "If by fun you mean taught by Sidney Webster at 9 in the morning" "I think there's actually a rule in English against those being synonomous"

3. "Well, at least you don't leave the homework in a pile on the table and-- what else did she do?" "Cluck like a chicken"

4. "Sometimes he comes in and asks you what the spleen does and you want to say, 'Who cares? This is genetics'"

5. "Winnie the Pooh???" "Well, they seem to be enjoying it." "They're fourth graders." "Yeah, well some of the humor goes right over their heads."