Yet another lazy Sunday morning:
And by morning I mean that it's 3:20, but I haven't bothered to get dressed yet (and I'm honestly not sure that I will-- I don't really need to leave the apartment today). So far today I've cooked a grilled cheese sandwich, cleaned up after that, and translated two sentences. It's good to see that I'm being productive. I was hoping to get some grading done, but the way things are going I'm not exactly holding my breath on that one. My roommate's cat is curled up on my scarf right now and it's really tempting to do the same thing (only probably on a bed).
I had a good weekend, though. Friday I went to the Gapers Block party in Bucktown. It was really nice to get out of Hyde Park even only for a night. I was supposed to get back at 1 or so, but we ended up going to get tacos and I got home at about quarter of three.
So I skipped the Salonica breakfast and got up around 7:45 to go to ACF. The morning was a little scary (no Matt, no scoresheets, and a limited amount of paper), but then everything went fine. We got out of there about 6:30, which really isn't too bad at all.
Selene and I went to Matt's party last night and had a pretty good time. I ended up knowing about three people there (well, plus Selene and Matt) and it was good to get to catch up with some of them. And I drank quite a bit of wine from a jug, which, combined with the lack of sleep from the last week, meant that I was definitely a bit drunk. But Matt was still drunker.
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