
Out of touch:

One advantage of being forcibly denied access to a computer for three days (besides the endless amount of time that you actually have) is that when you do return, there's so much computer stuff to do. Right now, I really should be transcribing some translations of Ovid which need to be done by tonight, since the sooner I finish them, the sooner I can go to sleep, and I desperately need sleep. But then there's new stuff up on every website that I read and I'm still trying to get caught up with that. And there's always email. Including an email I wrote this afternoon that I think I spent more time on than any assignment so far this quarter. Except, maybe, for the five page paper I wrote. Maybe.

So far I've read today's Slate, some recaplets on TWoP, two days worth of the Vine, most of Gnostical Turpitude's new stuff, and Kristy and Leah's blogs. Still plenty more to go, but I have to work now.


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