

Sorry for the lack of updates these days. I don't have internet at home right now. SBC completely failed to set up my phone line yesterday, so I have to call them and find out if they operate on their own calendar or what the deal is.

And I'm looking for a job. Which really, really sucks. I found a job I actually want (rather than just am willing to do to pay the bills) so hopefully I'll hear something from that or from a temp agency or from any other job. Once I finish moving in, I'm going to be bored as well as unemployed and I'm really sick of reading the Trib ads every day.

The apartment is nice, though. At least, it will be nice once all the boxes/random open suitcases/pieces of bubble wrap are off the floor and off to where they belong. And it would be nicer if my furniture wasn't limited to:
  • A futon mattress
  • A TV older than I am
  • The aforementioned boxes
  • A bike
  • A small set of Ikea desk drawers
  • A lot of maps and photos
  • A bookcase with not quite enough room for my books


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