

T--'s birthday was yesterday. So happy birthday! (it's ok, I called her on her birthday, too).

If you're waiting on email from me, I'm sorry. I was expecting to write emails on Thursday, when I was stuck answering the phones all day (and the phones? they don't ring often). Instead, my boss had the data entry project from hell (well, almost hell. It's no terrorist database; the consequences for me screwing up are significantly smaller, so small as to be nonexistent). So there was no email, just much typing.

Jazz at the Shedd last night was very fun. And very cheap. $5 for fishes and penguins and sea otters!! Though I admit that my over-reliance on "I love the fishes cause they're so delicious!"
might have been annoying, at least to the fish. And coincidentally, the Simpsons are on as I'm writing this and it's the Troy McClure and Selma episode. Methinks Troy doesn't just love
the fishes cause they're so delicious.


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