I am so broke:
Georgia had a sales tax holiday this weekend (no one had to pay state or local sales tax on all items of clothes under $100, all computers under $1500, and all school supplies under $20). I figured I should take advantage of this while also helping the economy. So I bought a new computer.
For those of you who care about such things, it's a Dell Inspiron (for some reason I don't fully understand, if you're buying a Dell with the education discount, you have to pay the sales tax; otherwise, you don't, so it's probably cheaper to not buy from education generally since the discount is only 5%. But I digress) 600m with an Intel Pentium M 1.3 GHz processor, 384 MB of RAM, 30GB Hard Drive, CD-RW/DVD Drive, b/g wireless. Three year warranty, which I can apparently upgrade to four for free. We shall see. Win XP Home, but I'll upgrade to Pro. WordPerfect, but I'll install Office as well. And if anyone needs a USB 2.0 PC Card (works in notebooks only and is ridiculously faster than USB 1.1), email me. I've got one to sell for cheap.
After buying this, I decided I hadn't spent enough money, so I went to the mall on Saturday to buy clothes for London. I think I'm tempting fate a little with this since I still don't have a security clearance, but God knows I need decent-looking clothes, and I can always return them if I don't get to go. I got a gray suit, a snazzy black dress, a blue and kahaki skirt with a sweater, and a skirt and herringbone jacket in brown.
So there goes more than half the money I'll make this summer. And I still need a purse and some shoes.
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