
The last paper ever:

I'm about to begin writing my last paper ever, and I am really dreading it. I'm not really sure why, either. It's on a book about the development of the papacy's use of/claims of supreme power. The book was fairly interesting, though I didn't read the whole thing. And I'm writing an approximately five page long book review, which should be no big deal.

It seems like the older I get, the more I hate writing papers. I remember papers I looked forward to writing (in some sick, twisted way) my first year. Even last year, I enjoyed some of the essays I had to write. Now I think that if I could choose between getting a C in this class and not writing the paper, I might choose the C.

Some of it is that the class has been pretty uninspiring, all in all. I mean, the discussions are generally not very enlightening, which has led me to do even less of the reading, which has made me feel even more disconnected from the class... It's a vicious cycle, really. But some of this seems to be specific to paper-writing, too. The thought of having to organise my thoughts into sentences that will become paragraphs that will ultimately prove some overarching thesis? Bores the hell out of me.

I know, I just need to write this stupid paper so I never have to do it again. And I wish I weren't starting 16 hours before it's due. But I only have one other class tomorrow (one class was cancelled for Shavuot, and I went to work on Monday, so I'm covered till next week), so I have lots of time, really. Now it's just actually writing the damned thing.


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