
Smoke detecting:

I get home from the pub tonight, in possibly not the most sober of moods (not that I was terribly drunk or anything, just, you know...) and my smoke detector was going off. Well, first I didn't know what it was, so I just stumbled through the dark going "what the hell?" at semiregular intervals, until I isolated it to something on the kitchen table. I find the light, figure it's something near the window, and, sure enough, the smoke detector is sitting on the windowsill, beeping.

My first thought is "wow, I didn't even think the smoke detector worked," followed quickly by "why didn't this damn thing go off when I was trying to kill S-- with a grease fire (entirely contained in the pan, I swear)(sorry)" followed only then by "why is this thing going off now?" There's no reason that I can find, so I decided that it's probably the ran from the storm, since the thing is pretty wet. Or maybe it's a very localised lightning strike. I don't know.


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