I thought I'd left the below zero windchills behind when I left Chicago. Sadly, I was wrong.
It's not the cold outside that gets to me. It's the fact that my apartment heater can't quite keep up (it can keep the apartment at about 60 degrees, not warm enough for me). It's also the fact that my lack of blood pressure means that my hands and feet hurt in the cold. I wear silk glove liners and lined leather gloves and two pairs of socks (on my feet), and after the ten minute walk from my car to the building, my hands will ache for the next hour or so and my feet will be cold for the next four hours. And people are making fun of me for wearing gloves inside. It's almost enough to make me go eat some damn salt. Getting my winter jacket out of storage should make things better.
They did a great job sanding the streets here. I was really impressed. The sidewalks that I've been on have been pretty well salted too, though the parking lot was not so much. Still, the driving this morning was really good. So go, PG County.
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