Yes, I'm slow:
Sorry about the lack of updating. This week at work has been ... interesting. And somehow after staring at a computer screen for 10 hours, I can't come home and look at another screen. Especially since due to my crappy glasses prescription (my right eye is overcorrected by 1.25 diopters!) all the close reading gives me migraines. But I should have a new lens by Tuesday.
As for the rest of it, next week should be a bit better. As for the week after that, well, we'll see.
I'm about to go to a happy hour with some friends from work, but I came home first. I'm looking forward to some alcohol.
So, for those of you to whom I owe email, I'm really sorry. I'm planning on getting caught up this weekend.
But a quick LoTR question, probably for Ed: (this contains some spoilers for RoTK Extended Edition, but I don't think they would affect your enjoyment of the new material).
So Aragorn seems shocked to see Arwen at the coronation. But why? Elrond told him (before he went on the paths of the dead) that she had chosen to stay with him rather than sail to the West. The added scene of Aragorn looking into the Palantir made me think that he thought her dead. But the coronation is a while after the end of the war, right? Wouldn't he have sent a messenger to Elrond to find out whether she was safe. Wouldn't Elrond have been like, "oh, by the way, Sauron lied. Your girlfriend's not dead." It seems unbelievable that he wouldn't have known that she was alive and chose him, so wouldn't he expect her at the coronation, especially since he saw Erond there?
I know there are many things that should bother me more about the RoTK (the disappearing horses, how did Aragorn manage to be riding Brego up to the Gate anyway, the hobbit clothes in Mordor, Aragorn making out with the horse, and so on). But I chose this moment to be disturbed by. Is there a simple explanation that I'm missing in my sleep-deprived headache-y, lacking in booze state?
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