
Update of sorts:

I know, I've written nothing about my trip, even though I've been receiving some awesome pengin-rlated links from friends, and this email won't change that.

I've been sick and insanely busy at work since I got back, so I haven't managed to do any updating. I did put the Romania pictures on snapfish and sent out an email to that effect over the weekend. If you didn't get this and would like to see the pictures, send me an email (kathleen -at-alumni-dot-uchicago-dot-edu will get you a faster response than anything else). I will attempt to load some of the good pictures onto web space for those of you who don't want snapfish accounts, but that is at best several weeks in the future.

I did write one very long post about how unhappy I was with the Church's selection of the new pope, but it took too long and blogger crashed when I tried to publish. So look for that in the near-ish future (this weekend should be a bit more relaxed so I'll try it again then).


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