
Locker Rooms:

OK, this is a bit of a weird issue, but here goes. When I was at the Y last night, I went swimming. After I can back, I went to rinse off in the showers, figuring I could take a real shower when I got home. I rinsed off in my bathing suit since I was about to take a real shower.

Everyone else in the showers (and there were probably close to ten women) was naked. Not only that, but several women were walking around naked. Before this starts to sound too much like a teenage boy's fantasy, let me tell you that most of the women were from a water aerobics class that had just let out and water aerobics is not usually a sport practised by the svelte.

Usually, when I'm in the locker room (both in high school and at U of C), most women try to stay covered up, changing quickly. In fact, I remember watching some crappy movie (maybe Road Trip?) and seeing a scene set in the women's locker room in which the women walked aound naked and laughing about how that was just how men imagined women's locker rooms, not the real deal.

But have I led a sheltered life? Is this really what women's locker rooms are like?

I felt like a prude in my swimsuit. But what else could I do, get naked for no reason (Tim, don't answer that)?