
Losing weight:

I think I was pretty depressed a couple of weeks ago, and I lost another five pounds, which I've actually been able to keep off. I hate that the numbers on the scale are so important to me, more than the fact that I can run 4K easily now and am planning on upping to 6K, but so it goes.

The problem is that I'm not actually eating any healthier, just less. So I can still very happily eat a bag of jelly beans, it just will be all that I eat in a day, rather than adding in reasonably healthy food to that bag of jelly beans, like I did when I was heavier. I need to rewire my eating habits badly. I'm planning on eating piles of crap while I'm in DC (Mexican food, bagels, Twizzlers, Cheez-its!!), but once I get back here it'll be time to work on it.
