
Long weekend!:

It's been months and months since my last holiday (marked by a red row in my online time sheet) so it was great to flip to the new week and see another red row. I'm planning on having a good weekend, too.
Friday night: dinner, then drinks at the bar within walking distance of my apartment to celebrate the roommate's birthday.
Saturday: errands, cleaning, riding
Saturday night: Colombian food in Silver Spring with some work friends
Sunday: Patapsco Valley State Park with W-- and A--
Monday: ? Maybe Arlington jazz festival with L-- or an outdoor market or riding with T--

Yayy, summer!


Maybe I should just start a penguin blog:

Gay penguins don't threaten the sanctity of penguin marriage.

Also, blogger's spell checker doesn't recognise the word blog. Isn't this weird?


12 steps for reality TV:

I think I have a problem. While watching America's Next Top Model with some friends on Wednesday, the following came out of my mouth:

"I can't believe that they're doing a runway in the water. They did that on Manhunt. . . And I cannot believe I just said that."

Help, anyone?

(Oh, and Chicago June 4-6!)


Sometime yesterday afternoon, the complete lack of sleep that I'd been having caught up with me. So instead of going to this big graduation/birthday party with D--, I went to dinner and wandering aimlessly around the mall. 9 hours of sleep later and I'm feeling better.

Plans for today involve maybe some cleaning, definitely some sitting out in the sun and enjoying the wonderful weather, and probably drinks with S-- later. I think it's just what I need.


Ari, the wonder-horse:

I am half leasing a horse. He is 20 years old, a 15 hand bay purebred Arab. It is so totally awesome to ride a horse who has never been used for lessons. He can go directly from a walk to a canter! I have never ridden a horse that would do that.

The barn has direct trail access to WSSC trails, which is also fantastic. I'm going out there this weekend.


The Simpsons and religion:

The Simpsons season finale tonight dealt with organised religion, specifically Catholicism and Protestantism. The episode itself was all right (though the view of Catholic school was very fifties--come on, Bart saying the sign of the cross in Latin, the nun with the ruler... Maybe when my parents were in Catholic school), but at the end, Bart says something to the effect of "can't you see we're all Christians and all basically the same?" I saw this as a giant cop-out (the usual late episode Simpsons problem of not being able to end episodes), but more than that, I also saw it as totally false.

The differences between mainstream Catholicism and mainstream Protestantism in the US are huge (I will admit that the scary right of both religions DO show lots of similarities). Doctrinally, of course, there are huge differences. Catholics believe in salvation through faith and good works and Protestants believe that a believer will be justified by his faith before God. Catholics believe that priests can absolve sins and in purgatory and Protestants don't, since God will justify the sins of the believer. Protestants believe in a universal priesthood of believers, that lay people must help govern the church as well as read the Bible. Catholics believe in a community of believers, not a priesthood; this difference is more than mere semantics. A Catholic's relationship with God is through his community of believers; people with whom he shares the sacrament of the Mass with each week. The reason that the priest used to pray facing away from the people was to show how he was praying with them, facing the east just as they were. While ultimately God will judge each of us alone, until that day one prays as part of a communal prayer. A Protestant's relationship with God is intensely personal, God is approached not through intermediaries, but directly.

I don't know which one of these is right, if either is and both are not. I know what I believe, but faith is a deeply personal thing. But it's a bit disingenuous to claim that Catholics and Protestants are essentially the same. They really aren't, all messages for religious tolerance aside.

Which reminds me, I saw Kingdom of Heaven this weekend. Once you put aside the ludicrous main plot, it was an enjoyable enough movie. They got the little stuff right, so it seemed to be a relatively accurate picture of medieval cities and warfare. But the religious plurality injected into the movie was totally anachronistic. Saladin was by most accounts a pretty good guy and was pretty tolerant of Christians who paid his taxes, but (spoiler alert, as if you don't know how it ends) he would not have put up a cross in the church in Jerusalem after he took the city. Religious plurality was not a medieval concept.


Strawberry pie:

Last week, I was at work reading the LA Times and discovered a recipe for strawberry pie that sounded delicious. I made it last night, and it was delicious. Here it is, with my modifications:

Graham cracker crust (or any cooked pie crust)
4 cups strawberries
1 cup sugar
2 T lemon juice
3 T cornstarch
3 T water
CoolWhip (or real whipped cream if you aren't lazy/watching calories)

1. Puree 1 cup strawberries in blender. Mix sugar, lemon juice and pureed berries.
2. Dissolve cornstarch in water and cook berry mixture and cornstarch over medium heat until mixture reaches a boil and thickens, about 15 minutes. Let mixture cool for 10-15 minutes.
3. Wash and DRY strawberries.
4. Mix strawberries in glaze and fill crust.
5. Refrigerate for about 2 hours, then put coolwhip on top when ready to serve. Don't make more than a couple of hours before you are planning to eat.

It's seriously one of the best things I've ever eaten, even better than it sounds to me. And easy!



Right now, I'm watching baseball, thinking about how I am supposed to be running in a 5K in a week and concerned about the blisters covering my feet, remembering that shower should have come before dishes but it's too late now, wishing I didn't have to get up at 6 to go to work tomorrow, and, well, upset that my dinner consisted of 4 bagel bites and a tomato eaten at 9:30 pm. Oops.

I'm remarkably happy, though. It's the combination of summer weather, some friends coming to DC and my planned trip to Chicago, the horse I'm going to half-lease, and the really cool people in my current office.

My life here is finally coming together, and just in time for summer!


Things that never would have occurred to me:

Penguins have to go through the metal detectors at the airport.