

As I walked into the supermarket tonight, the alarms starting going off. After a couple of minutes where people continued shopping (the alarms had been going off earlier as well), everyone started going out. I wanted to just go home, but I had no food and I was pretty starving. So I hung out outside for about 10 minutes.

The sirens continued to go off, but eventually everyone started going back in, so I followed. Inside the noise was headache-inducing, definitely. I saw one woman walking along opening a pack of ibuprofen. I guess that's one way to sell some medications...


Dinner and diving:

Not at the same time. That might be uncomfortable. I just got back from a potluck dinner to say goodbye to C-- who is heading back to the US and leaving the Navy. Good on her, and it seems like absolutely the right decision for her, though I will miss her very much. I made my trademark strawberry pie. While I didn't get to try any, I think the guy sitting there eating the strawberries off the crust out of the pan for the last slice probably means it was good. I also made a banana cream pie, which turned out about as expected. People thought it was pumpkin and then it was kind of a letdown though, and it was definitely not as big a winner as the strawberry pie. I enjoyed it, but bananas just are a bit too bland, I think.

I left early because I am going diving tomorrow. I have to be about 3 hours from Canberra by 0730. I'm planning on getting up about half past three and having it so I just have to brush my teeth and put contacts in, throw on clothes, and grab my bag (all the heavy stuff is in the car already). Hopefully the drive won't be too bad. These are my last dives before the reef (I leave three weeks from tomorrow!!)

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