Merry Christmas, etc:
So I haven't done Christmas cards yet because I am lazy and they don't sell them at either the drugstore at work or the Safeway. God forbid that I walk the extra 30 feet to the Hallmark store that my friend works at and could give me a discount.
My last month:
Portland for Paul and Kristy's wedding!
Chile and Argentina (on which much more later)!
Christmas shopping!
Cute puppy!
In Atlanta for Christmas!
So yeah, I'm there. I'm hoping to do something about my South America pictures at some point this weekend, if I'm not too busy. Also hopefully a bit more of an update, since I don't have to sit at a computer all day. I might be more interested in the typing thing.
A couple of people know this already, but there might be some big news in the next two-ish weeks. Fingers crossed for me please.